Mentorship Centres

At My Secret Place Devotion,
We are big on personalised mentorship and small group interactions. That’s because it’s easy for your spiritual growth to get stifled amid the bustling world. We believe God has strategically positioned people like you near you to grow with.

That’s why we have created mentorship centres.

Our mentorship centres are designed to enhance your spiritual growth experience while giving you a loving family experience.

Join any of our mentorship centres:

๐Ÿ“ Pregnant Mothers Mentorship Centre
Focused on pregnant women

๐Ÿ“ Expecting Parents Mentorship Centre
Focused on Parents Expecting the fruit of the womb

๐Ÿ“ The New Partners’ Mentorship Centre
Focused on repairing, building, and maintaining healthy marital relationships for marriages less than 5 years old

๐Ÿ“ Home Building Mentorship Centre
Focused on repairing, building, and maintaining healthy marital relationships for marriages over 5 years old

๐Ÿ“ Thriving Singles Mentorship Centre
Focused on people willing but yet to be married

๐Ÿ“ The Courtship Mentorship Centre
Focused on partners engaged, but yet to be married

๐Ÿ“ The Praying Parents Mentorship Centre
For parents who want to produce well-rounded children.

๐Ÿ“ The Pre-Teens Mentorship Centre
Focused on building teenagers between ages 10 to 13

๐Ÿ“ The Teens’ Mentorship Centre
For teens from 14 to 19

๐Ÿ“ The Business Incubation Mentorship Centre
Focused on new business owners and start-ups

๐Ÿ“ The Career Mentorship Centre
Focused on the career professional

๐Ÿ“ The Business Mentorship Centre
Focused on senior business executives

๐Ÿ“ The Skill Mentorship Centre
Focused on those in crafts and skilled labour

๐Ÿ“ Finding God Mentorship Centre
Focused on people who want a deeper walk with God

๐Ÿ“ The Priesthood Mentorship Centre
Focused on people who sense the call of God on their lives and want to be used by God or are already being used by God in ministry

๐Ÿ“ Purpose Discoveryย Mentorship Centre
To help those seeking to discover and fulfil divine purpose

๐Ÿ“ Self-Discovery Mentorship Centre
Focused on people who want to understand who they are and why they exist.

๐Ÿ“ Spiritual Warfare Mentorship Centre
Focused on people dealing with spiritual battles

๐Ÿ“ Leadership Mentorship Centre
Focused on leaders in any capacity

๐Ÿ“ Governance and Public Service Mentorship Centre
Focused on people who function in the public sector

๐Ÿ“ Transitionย Mentorship Centre
For the widowed, separated, divorced, or in complicated relationships

๐Ÿ“ Pre-Universityย Mentorship Centre
Focused on those who are in between secondary school and university

๐Ÿ“ The Grey Mentorship Centre
Focused on anyone above 60

๐Ÿ“ The New Tribe Mentorship Centre
Focused on new converts from other faiths besides Christianity

๐Ÿ“ The New Israel Mentorship Centre
Focused on the new converts from the Christian faith

๐Ÿ“ Sisterhood Mentorship Centre
Focused on women who want to fellowship and grow in Christ with other women

๐Ÿ“ The Men Mentorship Centre
Focused on men who want to fellowship and grow in Christ within the midst of other men

๐Ÿ“ The Re-birth Mentorship Centre
Focused on anyone struggling with abuse of any sort, addictions, and trauma

๐Ÿ“ The Campus Mentorship Centre
For university students

๐Ÿ“ The Life Essentials Mentorship Centre
Focused on the transition years between university and the marketplace

To join any Centre,

1. Log into and click on the mentorship centre.


2. Send a message via WhatsApp to +234 809 086 5551ย requesting to join your preferred mentorship centre.